
Wake Up With Adam Dunn Obliterating Carlos Santana At Home Plate

Gooooood lord, get off the tracks when the train is coming through. Carlos Santana stood no chance here, and it wasn't even a play at the plate! Relay throw coming in, first baseman cuts it off and drops it, Santana was on his way to help back up and happened to run right into the path of a large human named Adam Dunn. He didn't just run him over either, he absolutely trucked him. This is what Madden had in mind when they thought of the "truck stick". It was at this exact second that Carlos Santana decided not to pursue a career as a catcher and decided to move around the infield. Can't blame him either. Dunn is listed at 6'8", 285, he's probably bigger than that, and Carlos Santana felt every pound of it. Dunn wasn't even trying to hit him either, he just was trying to protect himself, just happened to send Santana into the shadow realm.