
Doug Pederson Should Be Thrown In Jail And That Jail Should Be Shot Into The Sun For Putting In Nate Sudfeld Tonight

I'm pissed off Angelo. I'm pissed off I am rooting for the goddamn Eagles tonight. I'm pissed off the goddamn Eagles got my hopes up. I'm pissed off Al and Cris keep talking about how people in New York are feeling right now. And I'm pissed off Doug Pederson subbed in Nate Sudfeld for Jalen Hurts as he was potentially leading the Eagles to an upset of the Washington District of Columbia Football Team of the National Football League. Even Sam Hinke thinks this type of tanking is uncouth.

But the real reason I'm pissed off is because the Giants are in this position because this goddamn "Pro Bowl" asshole could have caught this pass, swept the Eagles, and led to Big Blue clinching a playoff berth this afternoon.

Yes I know a team with 6 wins shouldn't complain about how another team plays. A bunch of fans of teams that couldn't even win 6 games made that very clear to me on Twitter. And I agree. But damn that was a gutting way to lose a division at 11 PM at night right as Christmas break ends.

Whatever. Doug Pederson made a very powerful enemy today. An enemy who is gonna bundle him after the Giants and the Eagles meet next season, if Pederson is still employed by the Eagles.