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New Year, Same Asinine NFL Refs



Sometimes when they say the dude drove the QB into the ground I can sort of buy it..but not here. He rolled through the sack. Instead of actually driving Cousins into the ground, he let him off light. Didn't matter though. 10 billion dollar league that still uses chains as a unit of measurement and employs refs who haven't had an eye exam since the Nixon administration. 

It is nice to have come consistency though. Like no matter what year it is, how good technology is, or how many times a ref has butchered a call like this, it's nice that they are still bad, game after game, year after year. And yes obviously it's a lot easier to call out the terrible calls like this over the good ones, but you absolutely cannot make this call in a million years. And you can't review it. Other refs can't even step in and be like dude are you on LSD what are you talking about? And then the Vikings go on to score. Good thing both teams are horse shit so it doesn't matter that much, but it's still wild for that flag to be thrown, regardless of the situation. New year, same refs.