
It Sounds Like The Jaguars Next Head Coach Plan Is To Hire Urban Meyer, Plan B Is Ryan Day

Listen, I am the BIGGEST Urban Meyer fan on planet earth and even I'll say this is a terrible idea. Urban Meyer is one of the best recruiters and motivators that this sport has ever seen, and that's why he's one of the greatest college football coaches of all time. But that's what he is. A COLLEGE football coach. If Urban Meyer (health pending) wants to get back into coaching, he could make two phone calls and have any college job except 3 in the country by lunch time tomorrow. Hell, he could get Texas to drop Sark by the time he lays down for bed tonight. And Urban would be very successful wherever he went. He'd have USC winning the Pac 12, going undefeated, and making the playoff year? But in the NFL, recruiting is not the #1 essential activity. He actually has to coach. And as much as I love the guy, that isn't neccessarily his strong suit. He won't have the best players at every single position in 99% of his games in the NFL. And he won't have control over EVERYTHING like he did in college. You just can't do that in the NFL. Remember when Chip Kelly went to Philadelphia and made them wear trackers? Yeah right. These are grown ass men you're dealing with here. The teenagers he worked with at Ohio State looked up to him and wanted his approval. These guys have families and kids at home. They don't give a shit if Urban Meyer is proud of them. They want their paycheck.

Urban Meyer should not go to the NFL. That's a fact. He can't control the program. He can't recruit 5-star players at every position. And he can't run the quarterback on every single 3rd and 2. This is a bad idea. I'll support Urban in any venture he wants to take on, but it hurts me to think his reputation will be tarnished when he, like many that have made the jump to the pros, will be unsuccessful. College and professional football is honestly so different that they're almost different sports. I'm nervous for my guy here.

But, if he really does want to go to the NFL, I don't hate the idea of Jacksonville. In fact, has there been a better opportunity in a long time? Walk in with the #1 pick with a once in a generation type QB talent on the board. Assuming he takes Trevor Lawrence, although the Justin Fields narrative would be quite the story too, he now has his franchise quarterback and time to work with. But again, does Urban Meyer really want time to work with? He goes into any college campus and wins 10 games next year. He gets Trevor Lawrence in Jacksonville and what does he win, 6? Maybe?

Urban Meyer should not go to the NFL. And if he makes that correct decision, it appears the Jaguars are on to their next Buckeye.


This is not news. 

Every single football team with an opening on planet earth, whether that be in Pop Warner, NCAA, or the NFL, would be interested in Ryan Day. If Ryan Day shows interest in leaving Ohio State, then this would be news. But a team that "could be interested" in a coach that has quite possibly the best gig in the country is nothing to write home about. Ohio State allows Ryan Day to do whatever he wants. He has the very best players at all 22 positions in every single game he plays until he makes the playoff. A bad year For Ohio State would be to go 10-2. Why leave? It doesn't shock me that an NFL team's Plan A and Plan B are both Buckeyes, but Ryan Day ain't going anywhere but to the National Championship. Concern level on this one: zero.

But I'll say this: IF Ryan Day did want the job, AND Urban Meyer wanted the job, I'd 100% take Ryan Day if I were Jacksonville.