The 2020 Barstool Gambling Champion Is Brandon Fuckin' Walker

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. And a winner is me.

In 2020, we all faced a ton of obstacles. There was coronavirus. There were murder hornets. My wife's boyfriend lost his job. It was a tough year.

But through it all, we had gambling. In February, we started Picks Central, Barstool's daily gambling show, on Sirius 85. Every day at noon, Barstool's ridiculously ugly and foul-smelling group of gamblers gathered in the radio studio and put forth picks. We did so through a pandemic, through being separated for months at a time and through Rico Bosco getting mad and blocking the show's Twitter account on multiple occasions.

While we reward a plaque for Gambler of the Month every single month, we also kept a yearly tally. And I won.

Yes, motherfuckers. Me. I won. It's right here.

Kudos to Big Cat for his incredible volume and for still being over .500. And credit goes to Rico for showing up 47 percent of the time. Credit goes to Karim for being producer and growing the brand by leaps and bounds.

And Marty Mush was also on the show somehow.

It wasn't easy, marching to this victory. There were ups, there were downs. I finished 25 units up, same total as Call Her Daddy.

But ultimately my expertise in college football paved the way.

I mean, my God. What a colossal asswhipping this was. And listen, I know that with the incredible launch of the Barstool Sportsbook, we have a lot of gambling properties. There's Pick Em, Walk The Line, Barstool Advisors….But Picks Central is the show with the most gamblers present. So this is the most prestigious honor in the Barstool Gambling Universe.

Think it's not a big deal? I'm not the only one who noticed.

So, ultimately, congratulations to me. Yes, I may be a moron from Mississippi. Yes, I pushed someone in the hall. No, my penis isn't longer than 5 inches.

But in gambling. I'm a winner. I'm Brandon Fuckin' Walker.