
Good riddance to a real twisted piece of shit.

A big subject for debate as the year comes to a close is- 

"Which 'celebrity' death affected you the most in 2020?"

I don't really care what your answer is, and we can argue until we're all blue in our fat faces as to whether Eddie Van Halen, Sean Connery, Chuck Yeager, Diego Maradona, Whitey Ford, Justice Ginsburg, Charlie Pride, Lou Brock, Tom Seaver, Black Panther, Pete Hamill, Wilford Brimley, Regis, Kelly Preston, Charlie Daniels, Carl Reiner, Fred Willard, Little Richard, Brian Dennehy, Curly Neal, Kenny Rogers, James Lipton, Kirk Douglas, Buck Henry, Neil Peart, Kobe Bryant, or Alex Trebek made a bigger emotional dent.

Personally, I am terrified to admit to anyone other than Jerry Thornton that Dawn Wells actually hit me harder than any of the names I listed above... Harder than the sock I named after her that I kept hidden under my bed in 1978 for my little "choke and stroke" sessions.

But I think I have a definitive answer for another question- 

"Which 'celebrity' death in 2020 made you the happiest?"

Today, I woke up at the crack of noon to hear the news that Samuel Little has passed away at the ripe old age of 80.

For those who don't know who Samuel Little is, might I recommend reading a book or newspaper at some point… Social media is turning you all into fucking uneducated and uninteresting morons.

Samuel Little (AKA the "Choke And Stroke Killer") is considered to be the most prolific serial killer in American history.

And for those of you who don't consider serial killers celebrities, then turn on Netflix and count the murder-porn documentaries that are currently trending.

Sammy died while serving three consecutive life-without-parole sentences for the deaths of only three women that occurred in the late 1980s, BUT he had confessed to another 93 murders… The FBI said in October 2019 that law enforcement has been able to verify 60 of those confessions, with many more pending final confirmation.

He strangled drug-addicted women and prostitutes across nineteen states over a third of a century ending around 2005… The Los Angeles Police Department began referring to Little as the “Choke and Stroke Killer” because he often masturbated while strangling his victims.

So… As we turn the page on what has been a terrible year for millions of people let's take a little time to be thankful that a piece of shit like Samuel Little will not be around to see what wonders 2021 will bring.

Happy new year, everyone… Burn in hell, Sam.

Take a report.


Let the record show, I referred to me masturbating to Gilligan's Island as a "little choke and stroke" and then wrote about Sam Little, the "Choke and Stroke Killer" just a couple of sentences later… That shit is not easy.

And here's some more serial killer trivia from one of the best podcasts I have ever recorded for those who like that kind of stuff…

