
The Submission Video For The Gay Bar We Just Rescued With The Barstool Fund Deserves A Goddamn Oscar

Please, I beg of you, if you don't watch anything on the internet today, watch the transition in Freddie's Beach Bar's submission video at 3:15. If it were up to me I'd give all $8 million to whoever put it in. "Many thanks for anything you can do for us to keep us alive. Thank you." MUSIC!!!!! **Techno blasts over montage.** I literally spit out my drink when I saw it. What a hot/cold moment. One second they're talking about their bar of twenty years going out of business, the next they're partying it up. If that doesn't tell you what this place is all about then I don't know what will. 

The only thing better than the transition in that video is reaction in this one...


I texted Dave when this went up, but I'll say it again here- I couldn't be more proud to work for this company. I could go on and on about how important bars like Freddie's are to the LGBTQ community, but I won't. Instead I'm going to give you THIS LINK to donate to help more businesses like Freddie's across the country. Every dollar helps. Have a great day.










PS: New Out & About out today. Check it out.