
Kentucky Fucking Sucks

The fuck else you want me to say? This team sucks at everything related to the game of basketball. I've never seen a team play so dumb, make so many simple mistakes and lose like this. 1-6?!? 1 AND FUCKING SIX! Good God, it's impossible to do that at Kentucky. I don't give a shit about the schedule, it's impossible to do that at Kentucky. There's nothing redeeming about this team except that Devin Askew might be pretty good as a sophomore. Can a college team tank for a year? That's where I'm at with this team. 

Can't shoot the ball. Then your big who was 'All-ACC' just sucks against good competition. Olivier Sarr is one of the softest players these eyes have ever seen. Just gets pushed around. Has no idea how to read a double team. Shows up exactly 0 times when Kentucky needs him. That's what makes the fact he got the game-winning shot attempt even more fucking frustrating. I don't care if it was this close: 

Why the fuck is he getting that shot? He did NOTHING. He's a dud. He sucks. Davion Mintz was the hot hand. Get him the ball. He's a guard! I know Calipari knows how to use guards. Fucking use him there guy! Instead with a chance to win Askew launched a three without going 2-for-1, Isaiah Jackson fouls 90 feet away and then that? Fucking infuriating. It's why I don't have words. This team has killed me. They've sucked all the life out of me. 

Get Sarr, Boston and Clarke out of here. Move on to next year. Play Askew as much as possible. Play Jacob fucking Toppin. Play Lance Ware. This team fucking sucks so much K would have canceled the entire season.