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Crazy Covid Preacher Kenneth Copeland Lets Loose On Another Wild Rant But This Time With Electric Guitar

I was just fuckering about on youtube and came across this video. I thought it was gonna be something stupid but I was very wrong about that. For some reason, I wanna have a little sex or workout to this song. Probably work out. I enjoy jazz whilst making love. There's just something about the unsyncopated nature that gets my engines roaring like the ole number 3 car used to at Bristol Motor Speedways. 

Im not normally a heavy metal dude but this has shades of Avenge Sevenfold, right? They have a song that I liked a lot 10 years ago. Let me see if I can find it. 

Whoa. I had no idea that guy was hot. 

Anyway, I hope the fella that made Kenneth Copeland metal continues to do so because I just got some weights and I'm gonna be pumpin the ole iron here soon. Gonna wait til Monday I think. Nothing like starting during a fresh week. 

PS: if that guy is a famous rocker, sorry to offend.