Charlotte McKinney's Instagram Got Hacked And Everyone Is Losing Their Minds Because They Think These Nudes Are Real
MTV UK – Judging from the nature of the images, we think it’s safe to say the Carl’s Jr. model has been hacked, with the first photo showing a close-up of a woman’s torso. While her nipples are covered by her two thumbs up, there’s an unidentifiable liquid on her chest, and the caption reads, “Drunken nights lead to the best fun.”
The second compromising image posted from Charlotte’s account shows a naked woman bent over, so we all know what she had for breakfast – if you catch our drift…
One final photo sees an unidentified brunette chowing down on pizza, naked, with the caption, “This s**t is eating all of my pizza, get off, my drunk self needs pizza.”
At the time of writing, the photos had just been deleted from Charlotte’s feed, so presumably the 23-year-old has now regained control of her account.
Here’s one of the only pics we can publish:
And here are the rest, way more NSFW so tread lightly
So this morning I woke up to texts from KFC from the set of his new music video for “2nd Round Ti.K.O.” — there are shiny suits, an exploding P. Diddy boat, and a boxing ring involved…you’ll never believe it when you see it — about Charlotte McKinney being hacked on Instagram. Some people on Instagram actually speculated that Charlotte McKinney had gotten blackout drunk and thought “You know what? I don’t care that I’m famous, here are pictures of me looking fat and nothing like myself covered in cum and here’s my friend eating pizza in the nude.” Others think it’s some Spooky Ghost hacking thing leaking her private nudes out there. Small problem: She’s been hacked for like a day and it’s just some spammer looking to get downloads and Snapchat followers for something called “Followersn0w.” If you’ve hacked Charlotte McKinney, I’m not sure that’s the best usage of the opportunity but that’s definitely what it is.
The good news (well, for you, not her): One of those pics she posted I also blogged a few months back when there were rumors of a new Fappening going down. And her lawyers made the original site blogging the pictures take them down so the one of her in the bedroom has a pretty decent likelihood of being real. And she still does think all chicks should give blow jobs. So now you know, and knowing is half the battle.