
The Barstool Fund - The Village Trestle Goffstown, N.H.

Click To Donate To Barstool Fund

Ok so right now we have raised close 1.7 million dollars to the Barstool Fund.   We have received thousands of emails from small businesses who need financial help through no fault of their own to help bridge the gap to when America reopens and they can go back to running their successful business.  There are so many unbelievable stories the hardest part is deciding how to distribute the funds.  We are trying to read them all, vet them all, speak with the owners etc.  That's why I'm going to make sure to feature every single business that we are helping.   I want everybody to hear these incredible stories.  Because I firmly believe that the more people read and see how so small businesses are being left dangling in the wind right now the more people will want to donate and the more businesses and livelihoods we can save.   As I've said from the beginning this is far from the perfect solution.  Only the Government can solve this by either paying these people or reopening the country.  But right now it doesn't look like either is happening anytime soon so we're just going to do the best we can.

To donate please go to    Also if there are any larger donors out there feel free to email us at    Any donation of 50K or more can probably save an entire business.   We'd love to give you a shoutout for that.

Anyway onto The Village Trestle.   

And keep in mind these businesses aren't asking us to pay their losses or get them out of the hole.  They are literally asking for just enough money to survive moving forward until we can get back to some semblance of back to normal.

The Village Trestle

25 Main St., Goffstown, N.H.

First of all, you are my spirit animal. I am a huge fan and what you are doing is nothing short of heroic! Here is my story..

I own a small,neighborhood tavern in New Hampshire. I bought it in 2012 with a business partner, after I worked there for 8 years. The original owners offered it to me as they were moving on to a new venture. I was 54 years old at the the time and never had dreamed of owning a bar..that being said we borrowed from family and friends and came up with $195,000.00 to buy the business on Sept.15, 2012. We gutted the place and worked 24/7 to reopen in 7days. The Village Trestle came to life, my partner and I worked every shift, foh and boh with 6 employees..and we rocked it..Dec.26, head blew up like a Macys Parade Balloon, emergency room visit presented a huge tumor in my chest, that was wrapped around my heart and my superior vena cava, blood was going to my brain but could not come back down..after 8 hours of failed surgeries, I was in a very bad place and my family was told I would die if they couldn't get help..A physician at Dartmouth Hitchcock got a call, and he said he could do it,if they could get me there..9 hours of transport and the surgeon saved my life, thats the good news..bad news the tumor was mailgnant..I had Cancer!  Hodgkins Lymphoma..I began immediate treatment with chemo and as soon as I could, I was slinging drinks with my wig and my meds, on my off weeks, of treatment..a year later, treatment did not work..I was selected to receive a stem cell transplant. Another year of treatment and in and out of the hospital, while still working when I had the strength and I was "cured". I had no insurance and no money, because we just opened the business..Dartmouth Hitchcock paid all my bills under their charitable care program, over a million this day we host a charity motorcycle run, called Pay it Back,Pay it Forward and donate all the money to 2017 I had breast cancer and played the game again,with a partial masectomy and radiation..this time I had insurance, but its been a tough road..all this chemo etc, has taken a toll..

 My partner and I never took a paycheck and we paid back all the money with interest to our lenders, in 4 years!! The restaurant was doing amazing and we were looking like things would be ok!

Fast forward to Covid…..

  Shut down the day before St.Pats day, with a fully stocked bar and kitchen ready for one of our biggest days of the year..our community is rural and we are fortunate for their support, because we have never missed a payroll, we now have 16 employees, and we pay them before we take anything..things are looking grim now, we have run out of the PPP money, that I don't know will be forgiven or not..I have dumped my retirement money into the business to keep us going, but that is only a bandaid..the media is killing us, people don't want to come out…everything we worked for is going down the tubes. I am forever grateful to those that keep supporting us, but we have lost over $300,000.00 this year. we are not behind on anything and my employees are all working, I just stay awake at night wondering how long we will survive..If you could help our small town bar and grill, with any funds at all, it would be most appreciated and I guarantee I will pay it forward as soon as I can. We have suffered so many hardships and beaten the odds, only to be taken down by the government and the media. I am almost 63 and was dreaming of dream is now a nightmare…

 Even if not chosen, I completely understand, others may have it worse, I want you to know you are a hero! Thank you!!

Sincerely, Brenda Cadieux