
Texans At Bears - I Don't Know What I'm Rooting For - Live Blog

Hand up - I don't know what the fuck I'm rooting for today. On one end - mathematically we're still right there with another game versus the Vikings to go. On the other end - we fucking suck. Yes, if we lose out then we have a great chance at a top 10 pick which would surely be more valuable than a 7 seed playoff game, but then again the playoffs are pretty fucking cool no matter how you get there, right? And, wait, are we really going to lose out with the Jaguars still on the schedule. BUT, if we make the playoffs that means Pace & Nagy survive, right?

I don't fucking know.

Ultimate blender situation for Bears fans today.

The only thing I do know is I already wanna hang myself from the batroom when I see the Trubisky/Watson comparison graphic that we all know is certain to come on the screen probably multiple times.

Bear Down