
Wake Up With Gary Sinise Getting Half of Hollywood to Honor Gold Star Families

I think we’re all pretty much of one mind when it comes to Hollywood’s virtual social message videos that come off as way more self-serving and virtue signaling than anything. That cloying “Imagine” one, just as an example. But once in a while even show business stars are capable of joining forces for something that is a pure good.

It seems like Gary Sinise is doing that 365 days a year. And has been for decades.

Sinise runs a charity called The Snowball Express,’which every year sends 1,750 children from Gold Star families to Disney World. Just not this year, for obvious reasons. So he did what he could do to bring some degree of joy to those whose loved ones gave the last full measure of devotion to their country.

 I’ll let the YouTube description say the rest:

Like Tom Hanks says at the end, Disney World will still be there when this is over and those families will get to go, so hang in there. 

Until then, for those children and their surviving parent: Peace.