
White Sox Sign Adam Eaton And I'm Fucking FURIOUS

It's just so gross. I said yesterday that the White Sox had ONE (1!!!) hole to fill in their lineup, and could have done so with George Springer. That would literally have set their lineup and its finances for years on end. But nope. It's Adam fucking Eaton. Is he better than Mazara? I don't know even know at this point. He was brutal last year:

And even if you want to give him the benefit of the doubt for the 60 game sprint that was 2020, he was pretty average in 2019 too: 

Long story short, I fucking hate it. The White Sox just signed a platoon guy instead of going for the jugular just one time and money seems to be the ONLY reason for it. If it was never going to be Springer, then go and get Brantley. At least he rakes. 

The one saving grace is that this is such a cheap deal that they can prolly cut bait if he sucks in the first half of 2021. That's my one spin zone, but at that point you're dealing prospect capital again, and why do that when you can just spend? It's so goddamn backwards. 

But I don't buy that there were "biblical" losses from MLB teams in 2020 because of the pandemic, for two reasons.

1. They won't open their books and prove it to everybody and
2. The one team that was required open their books, the ATL Braves, most likely showed a profit in 2020:

So get the fuck out of my face crying poor. You are a large market team, but you don't operate like it. I am speaking SOLELY to Jerry Reinsdorf too. The organization is even considered a large market team by the actual MLB as well, as they don't have as much to spend internationally as an organization like Milwaukee or Cincinnati. It's just so goddamn ass backwards. Even if you split Chicago in half, half of Chicago is still bigger than a LOT of other organizational markets. Even if it's a 60/40 split, that's still true. 

It's fucking infuriating. Eaton might very well revert back to prior form but that's a gamble. What wouldn't be near as big a gamble would be George Springer getting 600 plate appearances while manning RF for the next 5 years. It also wouldn't even shock me if Nomar Mazara has a better year than Eaton in 2021. 


As much as I loved the Lynn trade, I hate this acquisition equally as much. Reinsdorf just constantly handcuffs his guys from my outside perspective. They're so goddamn close to being great and here we fucking go. More half measures. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HALF MEASURES.

Giphy Images.

But I should have known better than to get my hopes up. Like I said, we've seen this movie before - it's just how Reinsdorf operates. It's fucking stupid. That, and apparently Eaton was wildly hated in the clubhouse during his first stint in Chicago. Todd Frazier quite literally stuffed him in a locker and I guess Abreu wanted to pound his face in too. I mean the dude called 12 year old DRAKE LAROCHE A LEADER!!! What in the flying FUCK!!!! 

TBT to Ozzie saying "everybody hated Eaton in the clubhouse":

It is what it is. My idiotic brain is still hoping this is a depth signing and not the checkmark to fill the RF void. We'll see…. but again, we all have seen this movie before. Jose Quintana and a couple pen arms, you're on deck.

Fucking Reinsdorf man. Kills my soul.