
Thanks To James Harden, A Porn Site E-mailed The NBA Offering To Partner With Them So Players Stay Away From 'Strip Clubs And Instagram Models'

[Heavy] - NBA players are prohibited from going to bars or clubs in new Covid-19 safety protocols. As a result, adult site, IsMyGirl has issued a pitch to the NBA.

Per an e-mail this afternoon:

IsMyGirl, a premium platform for adult models to monetize their sexy content, would like to formally extend an offer to the NBA to partner with the site to help keep players away from strip clubs and Instagram models. By interacting with some of the hottest models online, players they can ensure that their needs will be satisfied while still complying with the strict COVID-19 protocols. And if you’re like James Harden, a player known to succeed in cities with the best strip clubs, the players performance may actually improve the more they use the site.

Genius! Absolutely genius! Talk about an all-time pitch by actually saying this could help improve the level of the game. That's next level thinking. Hell, they are referencing this study based on James Harden and strip clubs: 

Boom. Numbers prove for this is needed for an MVP candidate. This is exactly how you should pitch the NBA on partnering with a porn site. But you blow this up. You blast this e-mail to every owner (err, governor) and PR person in the league. You go viral with this. You use Harden's jersey being retired in the strip club as a reason to partner for this. 

I feel like no matter how rich you are, getting something free, ESPECIALLY VIP porn just is different. Everyone talks about how awesome a free t-shirt is and who am I to disagree with that? Free t-shirts or any sort of clothing is for sure awesome. Just feels more comfortable. But the moment you get some VIP porn you're sitting in a different world. It was like when you realize you could download porn on Kazaa while you're going to school. Sure, there were viruses popping up left and right and you got caught 9 out of 10 times, you still did it. AND it was free. 

By the way, the official rankings were:

3. Napster

2. Kazaa

1. Limewire