
I Think I Just Got Sad About Ben Affleck And Jennifer Garner's Divorce?

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(AP)Actors Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck say they’ve decided to divorce after 10 years of marriage. The couple announced in a joint statement Tuesday that the decision comes after careful consideration. They say they remain committed to co-parenting their three children, Violet Affleck, Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck and Samuel Garner Affleck. The couple say that their statement will be their only comment on the matter.




Well I didn’t expect that. Not the divorce part, can’t really be surprised after Affleck specifically cast Ratjakowski in Gone Girl just so he could make out with her. But the feelings part. It’s weird as hell. I’ve always been an Affleck fan (even when everyone hated him), as I live in Boston and am thus legally obligated to sign up for the Damon/Affleck/any movie ever made in Boston is the greatest movie ever fan club along with my lease. Still, I definitely didn’t expect to give a shit that they got divorced. But I guess I liked them. Just a pretty cool couple who flew under the radar when Affleck wasn’t counting cards or hiding the fact that his family owned slaves. RIP love, apparently.


Or not, I think I’m over caring.