
People Are Literally Sleeping Outside Gamestops For Days To Get A PS5 #SplitScreen

Would you sleep outside of a Gamestop on the concrete for days on end to get a PS5?  No.  No I would not.  But then again there are people who would wait in Roller Coaster Tycoon worthy lines for HOURS to score a free stack of flapjacks at iHop on #NationalPancakeDay.  So who am I to judge?  

Oh, but you actually CAN snag a PS5 - FOR FREE.  All you need to do is simply go to to sign up for the sweepstakes as many times as you wish.  Can also get a Xbox Series X or $500 Amazon Gift Card.  Do it. Do it now.  

As for now, we can discuss how we're not getting any PS5 anytime soon during the Barstool Custom Warzone Tournament: