
Did This Video Just Answer The Age Old Question Of Who Would Win In A Death Match Between A Tiger And A Bear?

I saw this video on Daily Mail this morning and truthfully and legit sprinted to my computer to blog it before I even watched it. As a male, I've oft wondered who'd win in a fight to the death between a lion and a bear. Or a tiger and a bear. Or a jaguar and a bear. Or any massive predator that would rip a human's face off between another massive predator that would rip a human's face off. 

It's just a coming of age thing for any human with a dick. Dudes just want to know who would win in a fight between two big ass animals that don't share the same continent. I don't know why, but it is. 

Well... we have an answer... sorta... and I gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed. I have a two major beefs with what I just watched, no pun intended with a popular term in Chicago:

1. The bear in this video is a "sloth bear" and if we were to judge this bear by the title of the video, we should assume it's some vicious manhunter that could dismember just about anything in one fell swoop. 

NOPE. Wrong. WRONG! 

Giphy Images.

Here's the wikipedia link:  

The sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) is a myrmecophagous bear species native to the Indian subcontinent. It feeds on fruits, ants and termites. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, mainly because of habitat loss and degradation.[1]The sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) is a myrmecophagous bear species native to the Indian subcontinent. It feeds on fruits, ants and termites. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, mainly because of habitat loss and degradation.[1]

Never heard of it, but sloth bears are total BITCHES apparently. I mean the tiger rag dolled him like he was some chick in a back room casting couch video or something. World's deadliest bear? Fuck out of my face sloth bear, you goddamn vagina. Can we PLEASE throw a grizzly in the ring with this tiger? Or a polar bear? You know, bears that don't eat fruits and ants, but the flesh of animals that they slaughtered with their own bare hands? Is that too much to ask?

No. No, it's not too much to ask.

2. The tiger could have totally finished this sloth bear in horrific fashion if he also wasn't a huge bitch too. I mean he had a vice grip around the bear's throat right off the bat it looked like. The bear was basically tapping out, and the tiger could have pinched his throat shut and killed him on the spot. But nope!! The tiger just let him get right up and the bear even chased him away a little bit. 

I mean I know people are soft in 2020. Nobody can take a joke anymore and everyone has become millenialized. I didn't think mankind's worst fault would trickle down into other parts of the animal kingdom. This bear coulda been food for the tiger's cubs for like a week I bet. Instead they basically hugged it out and said, "good game bro" before they went their separate ways. Not an ounce of blood was drawn, and it makes me sick. Fucking millennial assholes. Such pussies. 

Honestly, I'm sorry for wasting your time with this video. I'm pissed at myself for it.