
Holly Sonders Makes Me Want To Watch Madison Ivy Porn...There I Said It

Holly Sonders (Professional Golf Analyst)

hollss dhalkd hollysondersss hollyss


Madison Ivy – Professional Porn Star

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maddd  mads






So one of the biggest changes with Fox Sports broadcasting the US Open this year is that instead of Roger Maltbie interviewing people we have Holly Sonders.   Well I can’t be the only that’s noticed that Holly Sonders looks exactly and I mean EXACTLY like Madison Ivy right?  I mean everybody had to be thinking it.  The resemblance is uncanny.  I just wouldn’t be doing my job as a smut blogger to at least call attention to this.   You just cant take for granted a smokeshow sideline reporter having this type of doppleganger running around in the porn world.   It’s an absolute gift from the golf gods.  And if Madison Ivy doesn’t have a new film by the end of next week entitled “US Open All my Holes” she should fire her agent.


PS – Get it Phil.