
Theory After LSU-Bama And 2 Other SEC Games Have Been Cancelled: Halloween Parties Ruined College Football

Yesterday, it felt like every SEC game this weekend was in jeopardy due to COVID. Today, that feeling turned into reality.

Now, we have three SEC games cancelled this weekend:

Mississippi State - Auburn

LSU - Alabama

Texas A&M - Tennessee

In question:

Kentucky - Vandy 

Mizzou - Georgia

Looking good:

Arkansas - Florida

South Carolina - Ole Miss

What is to blame? We don't know for sure, but we do know that LSU's issues are linked back to a Halloween party:


I don't think LSU is unique in this situation. All the players couldn't miss Halloween parties (can't blame them, have you seen SEC schools on Halloween?) and brought the virus back with them to the locker room. So, by my estimation, Halloween is to blame for the uptick in CFB cases. Why didn't we cancel Halloween this year? I don't know. We definitely should have. Barstool should've led the way by cancelling the Smokeshows Halloween Costume Contest. But we didn't. The hot nurses, cops, etc. got to us.

There are multiple issues that the SEC has now.

Texas A&M may have their game cancelled next week:

Same goes for Auburn-Tennessee next weekend.

The SEC may extend their season because of LSU-Bama:


Everything is falling apart! All because of damn Halloween parties.