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Everyone In The World Wants Santa's Yumnut


I have seen this tweet on my Twitter timeline no fewer than 68 times today. Everyone in the world is talking about swallowing Santa's yumnut. "Oh I can't wait to get Santa's Yum Nut in my mouth and all over my face", says everyone. I don't even see election shit on my timeline anymore, it's exclusively jokes about Santa's cum and people sizing up the hole in the donut for some extra-curricular activities. Well guess what? We're talking about doughnuts people. NOT Santa's semen! Shaking my dang head at all of you. Can't a department store make a new doughnut that requires you to eat Santa's pants right at the belt-buckle, call it the Yumnut, and *not* have everyone make quips about Santa's ejaculate????? For shame. I just wish grandma was around to enjoy Santa's Yumnut. :(

And this comes right on the heels of Concordia University of Michigan launching their new CUM line. 




It looks like we're officially in a nut/cum renaissance. Wear it loud and wear it proud, my friends. No longer will we be nut or cum shamed, that is my promise to you.