
Nature Video Of The Day: Humpback Whale Tries To Swallow Whale Watchers Whole

Saw this video this morning and it gave my a cold shiver down my spine. Thank CHRIST these women were okay and made it out alive with *only* a little bit of PTSD and a fucked up story fonce they shake off the cob webs from this traumatizing experience. From the Daily Mail:

A humpback whale nearly swallowed two women whole when it leaped out of the water into their kayak.

Julie McSorley and her friend Liz Cottriel were whale watching in Avila Beach, California, on Monday afternoon.

The pair were sat in a kayak watching the whales below the surface when they had their close call.

A humpback whale nearly swallowed two women whole when it leaped out of the water into their kayak.

Julie McSorley and her friend Liz Cottriel were whale watching in Avila Beach, California, on Monday afternoon.

The pair were sat in a kayak watching the whales below the surface when they had their close call.

The only damage was Julie losing her car keys in the close call but both survived unharmed. 

Liz said: 'I was infatuated by them and in awe. But I never expected one to be right here, in my face!'

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times - whales are the most terrifying creatures on the planet. Fuck off with sharks or tigers or bears or any of that shit. The moment an animal can literally open its gullet and swallow me in one fell swoop is the moment I am OUT.  I mean these things are so goddamn gigantic it bottles my mind to the point where I don't even like looking at them. 

Take a look at this picture. I know it's a photoshop but that doesn't mean it doesn't make me shit my pants:

Absolutely horrifying. The fact that Snopes had to disprove the picture tells you all you need to know:

That whale are the most horrifying things on earth. That's inarguable. 

Fuck whales. Sure, most whales are supposedly sort of docile like a cow or a puppy or some shit, but I don't care. Give me a great white shark over a whale 100x out of 100. At least a shark will dismember you from limb to limb while you bleed out before it consumes you. That's a better fate than being alive in a whale's digestive tract before you inevitably suffocate and turn into whale shit however long later. 

Just another reason on a long list of reasons why the ocean and other large bodies of water are the most overrated things on earth. 

PS - We're live right now in Verdansk.  

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