
KFC Radio Episode 26 Part 2, Would You Rather Have To Watch Soft Core Porn Or Minor League Sports For The Rest Of Your Life?

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Part 2 of our 3 part show we taped on Tuesday and the question that came up was if you could only watch minor league sports or soft core porn for the rest of your life which would you choose. So basically soft core porn and pro sports or minor league sports and any porn you want. Absolute no-brainer. Soft core porn and major league sports all day everyday. As important as porn is, no major league sports would basically be an end to my life.


But the real hypothetical here, is whether or not you would be a career minor leaguer, say making 100k a year, or a soft core pornstar making a million per. I think that’s a tougher question. Being a soft core pornstar can’t be all that bad right? I mean think about it, you don’t show your dick on camera so you can sort of say you’re an actor and what you’re doing is art but at the same time I’m guessing you absolutely get to fuck the girls off screen. No doubt in my mind. Which brings me to the real point of this post. I may be dating myself slightly here but do you guys remember Nikki Fritz? She was literally my first girlfriend. No joke. Hottest woman on the planet back when I was 13 years old. And yes, I just went and looked her up again.



Not exactly a dime, but you know what, like any chick from your childhood there are too many memories there to ignore. We went through some serious shit back in the day. I grew up on Showtime and Cinemax after dark. Got me through some real awkward years. So yeah, I think I would choose the soft core porn star, if only so I could shake Nikki Fritz’s hand, and hopefully fake like I’m sticking my penis in her vagina on screen.