
And the Pussification of America Continues - Lincoln Sudbury Baseball Coach Fired After 14 Years Because A Couple Parents Issued Anonymous Complaints To the New AD




Boston Herald

After 14 years as Lincoln-Sudbury’s head baseball coach, Kirk Fredericks was told he wasn’t going to be rehired by athletic director Peter Elenbaas. Fredericks, who won three state titles during his time at L-S, issued the following statement Monday night:

“Life changes everyday and you have to be willing to change with it. With five-year-old and seven-year-old daughters and now six-month-old twin boys, there has been plenty to deal with at home while giving LS baseball my full attention. The credit goes to my wife and extended family who have allowed my kids to do everything without a hitch while I spend evenings and weekends away from home.

“Today I walked into LS prepared for an end of the season meeting with the Athletic Director. During the meeting I was told I wasn’t being rehired as baseball coach at LS. I asked why and the AD stated that over the last two years there have been a number of complaints. As I walked out the LS baseball players and families had just received an email from the AD stating there will be a change in leadership.

“Although I am sad and disappointed that this has come to an end, coaching at LS has been a dream come true. LS athletes are a special group with drive and determination to be the best they can be. The families have always been supportive to provide the means for players to get stronger and play baseball at an elite level.

“The number of kids that love playing baseball and parents that devote time to make youth baseball what it is in LS is second to none. Working with and for quality people like Nancy O’Neil and Judy Katalina have always put a smile on my face.

“Unfortunately over the years there are plenty of people that you don’t make happy and this is part of coaching. During my first 12 years any issues were solved with a face to face coach and parent meetings with or without the AD. During the last 2 years under new administration I have not once sat and talked with a parent and AD regarding a complaint. This change of allowing feedback to skip several steps is something I have struggled with for two years.

“The cupboard won’t be bare as the LS Baseball staff worked very hard to reload the program for next year. We have players back at each and every position that received quality time this year and five or six of them will be college baseball players eventually. The pitching staff has a couple top notch arms coming back along with two freshmen Division 1 prospects who pitched for the junior varsity all season. The Super 8 will be where LS Baseball will be considered next season no doubt.

“As far as the future and what lies ahead for me personally, I will turn my attention to my twenty plus sixteen year olds that I’m coaching in the NE Ruffnecks program and traveling the country with this summer. It will be a pleasure to work for the CEO Steve August who trusts me to keep safe, feed, teach life lessons, and coach baseball each summer while also working with kids that have the same qualities as the LS Baseball players.

“I am leaving LS Baseball and as sad as I am today waking up tomorrow morning getting 4 young kids ready for the day will never have a brighter smile on my face.’’





PATHETIC.   No other way to put it.  This is everything that is wrong with everything.   Unfortunately it’s the same reason virtually every high school coach gets fired nowadays in America. It has nothing to do with winning or being a good coach. It doesn’t matter that he went 269-68, won 12 league titles and 3 state championships.  It’s because some kids parents complained about playing time. That’s it. That’s what leads to a coaches demise 100% of the time. It’s the pussification of America at it’s finest. If Little Johnny doesn’t get to be a star you complain till the coach gets fired. Who cares that this guy has 3 state titles and is one of the best coaches in the state? As long as Little Johnny gets his varsity letter that’s all that matters.  And the worst part is these parents don’t even have the balls to complain face to face like a man.  They can just issue anonymous complaints and get a coach fired.  It’s rewarding people for being cowards.  Firing people with no explanation or chance to defend themselves.  Seriously how does this prepare kids for the real world?  What’s gonna happen when Little Johnny doesn’t get a job or a raise? Is Mommy and Daddy just going to anonymously complain to HR?  The whole thing makes me want to puke.   Guys like L-S Athletic director Peter Elenbass is why we’re raising a nation of pussies.  If you don’t get what you want work harder or be better at it.  Or find something else to do.  The world needs ditchdiggers too.