Spencer Dinwiddie Fired Jay-Z And Roc Nation To Become His Own Agent
If you had to guess the player currently in the league who would pull a move like this, Spencer Dinwiddie has to be near the top of the list. For starters, Dinwiddie is smart as hell. Way smarter than any person reading this blog including the person that wrote it. He's also someone who thinks outside the box when it comes to his NBA career. Remember when he wanted to have his part of his contract converted into some sort of digital currency called a Dinwiddie Bond?
Then a few months later he came up with the idea to start a GoFundMe for Bitcoin where fans could choose his next team?
I just love how he's willing to think outside the box and come up with new ideas. Granted those ideas immediately get shut down by the league, but you can't fault him for trying. That's why I love this move. If Dinwiddie is his own agent, maybe he can negotiate whatever the hell he wants. It's a move we see in football, and the NBA has had some pretty big names go this same route. Dirk never had a basketball agent. DeAndre Jordan didn't have an agent for a while, and seeing as how he and Dinwiddie are teammates I imagine they've talked about it. John Stockton never had a basketball agent. So as you can see it's not like Dinwiddie is blazing a trail here, but it's still pretty interesting.
Who knows, maybe this is the first step in NBA contracts changing forever. Frankly I'm shocked he didn't do what everyone else does and join Klutch. I guess Rich Paul/LeBron didn't have him on their list of potential guys to add to the Lakers roster. Makes you wonder if there is there any connection to him leaving Roc Nation and potentially not having a future in Brooklyn. It is the NBA offseason after all, we're allowed to look into things that may or may not be there.
Between this move and Dinwiddie's own shoe brand K8iros it's pretty clear he is someone who likes to create his own path. I'm sure there will be people that clown him for it, but I respect it. You know he's going to try and be paid at least partially in bitcoin.
And hey, if he ends up realizing this shit is harder than he thought and he has to end up settling for a lower priced contract, I can think of a team that needs a backup point guard and a damn good one at that.