If Doc Emerick Is The GOAT Of Hockey Announcing, Who Is It For Every Other Sport?

So we all know the news of Doc deciding to retire today. 

I'm not much of a hockey fan, but even I know how great Doc Emerick is at his job. He's arguably the GOAT when it comes to announcing for hockey - I guess I need to mention Bob Cole here too. But that's not the point. It got me thinking about every other sport. Who are the undisputed GOAT's of announcing - strictly play by play - for everything else? Now these answers are mine, but it's my blog so that's why I get to do that. Let me know yours and I'm willing to listen to your argument. 

College Football - Keith Jackson

Whoa Nellie! One of the iconic calls in all of sports. Keith Jackson just has that big game voice. Any time he was on the call, the hair on your back stood up for a second. You knew you were in for a hell of a game, no matter who was playing. It was just what Keith Jackson did. There's arguably nothing more iconic than Keith Jackson and the Rose Bowl. Best way to start the New Year. 

College Basketball - Gus Johnson

My bread and butter here in college hoops. We've had a bunch of great ones, but no one is college hoops more than Gus Johnson. It's a crime he's not on the NCAA Tournament anymore. We have to find a way to make that happen. I'm not one for petitions, but I'll sign a petition so fast you won't even know what happened to get him back in March. The screaming, the genuine love of the game. He's the best. 

Yeah, Raft is the answer here if we're going analysts too. He's the GOAT of everything. 

NBA - Mike Breen

Bang! One of the newest guys on the list here, Breen is as good as it gets. It was announced he's making the Hall of Fame this year and honestly it feels overdue. Similar to Jackson, his voice just makes it seem like a big game, especially now that he's on Finals calls. Plus he has the catchphrase Bang! It's similar to Marv's YES call, who would have been the answer but he's hanging on a bit too long. 

MLB - Vin Scully

I know he's specific to the Dodgers both in Brooklyn and LA, but he's the GOAT. I debated Jack Buck here, but you can't deny what Scully has done from an announcers standpoint. There's no one like him in all of sports and no one more beloved as an announcer in all of sports than Scully. 

NFL - Al Michaels 

Kind of crazy his most iconic call has nothing to do with the sport, but Al Michaels is the NFL announcer through and through for me. He's been on SNF, MNF, big games since I can remember. He has that soothing voice that just lets me know it's a big time NFL game. 

PGA - Jim Nantz

I couldn't find a just Jim Nantz video, but he's the GOAT when it comes to golf. God I can't wait for the Masters.

So those are the answers. Who you got?