
Wrestling Fan Upset Over Rock's Win Last Night, Takes It Out On Stack Of Blu-Rays Like A Badass


Love it. Absolutely Love it. The look on Michaels face when the Rock won. That 3 seconds when he just stood there in disbelief. Wondering how this could possibly happen? Whether or not he should throw his belt or murder the girl filming him or both? If I could bottle that passion up and sell it I would make Zero dollars, the bottle would smelly like farts and pringles and everyone would think I was a lunatic, but it would still be awesome. Because make no mistake, you will never love anything in your life as much as Michael loves Wrestling. And as sad as that may be for him, its way worse for all of us.


Michael’s Room was FANTASTIC. A+. Nightmare City.

And you know that’s a 2 bedroom apartment right? 1 bedroom is for sleeping and 1 bedroom is Michael’s “Wrestling Office”. That’s why he was so mad. You don’t film in Michael’s Office, I don’t care if you’re Vince McMahon himself, you just don’t.