Police in Spain Break Up a 'Mass Orgy' That Was Being Filmed

Source - POLICE broke up a mass orgy in a Spanish holiday flat after dozens of people queued up outside to be filmed having sex. 

The event, which broke lockdown rules, had been advertised as a "crime against public health," according to reports.

Three organisers of the unlicensed sex event, including controversial porn director Ignacio Allende, have been warned they face heavy fines.

The police operation unfolded on Wednesday evening after filming of the sex party got underway at a fifth-floor studio in Madrid’s San Blas neighbourhood.

Local reports said dozens of men had gathered for the event after being offered the chance of satisfying themselves for free with a small selection of women with prizes for the best performers.

Many eager participants are understood to have been queuing outside the area where the X-rated action was going on in the hope of getting the go-ahead to join in. ...

Madrid is currently in a state of emergency mini-lockdown, with restrictions on the number of people who can get together.

There is also a ban on leaving or entering the city unless it is for work or humanitarian reasons. ...

Undercover officers tipped off about the sex party were let into the holiday flat by revellers who mistook them for potential orgy participants.

For openers, let me begin by pointing out that this director the report mentions is "controversial" because he's been charged with child porn. If true, there's no controversy whatsoever. Everyone is in agreement. He belongs chained to the wall of a dungeon.

That said, maybe this is the moment where the western world decides we simply can't keep a lid on this thing. Choose your own metaphor. We can't put the genie back in the bottle. Or the toothpaste back in the tube. Or the Madrid erection back into the zipper. How many more billions are we going to spend warning each other about face coverings and reminders about distances that need to be social and educating the masses on this new method of hand treatment known as "washing" before we realize that orgy people are going to orgy. And that maybe it's time to finally put Charles Darwin in the driver's seat.

Pardon me if it sounds like I've got a defeatist attitude, but don't blame me for spreading this damned microorganism. I'm playing by the rules. And I live in the Commonwealth of Maskachusetts where you can't have more than 11 people at your house  or 7.5 seated at the same table and you can't have beer at the 19th hole without ordering a nice, healthy hot dog. Note that I'm not sure about the numbers because they change every week or so, but I'm sure about the food thing because I've lived it. But me and my friends and family are doing what we're supposed to do because we don't want to be Covid-shamed. 

So seriously, what do you do about a bunch of guys who'll line up at the studio apartment of a suspected child porn peddler to have sex with strangers? On camera, no less? Who'll look the risk of the 'Rona - not to mention regular flu, the clap, Chylamdia, Syphillis, crabs, AIDS or just good old fashioned cooties - straight in the eye and get in that queue anyway? And I scarcely doubt this porn company was taking temperatures at the door and scanning your driver's license so they can do contract tracing just in case. So how do you stop that kind of want-to? 

You're not going to do it with stern lectures about "unlicensed sex events." And you're not going to get it done with "heavy fines." These are guys who have weighed the risks and decided that if a virus claims their life, they're going out as they lived. In the sexiest way possible. In a studio apartment. Filled with naked creeps and sex workers. And a camera crew. I hate to say it, but my guess is the only thing you can do is let orgiers orgy. Let nature take its course. And be grateful for once that your own sex life is so boring and ordinary.