
PK Subban Crashes Little Kid's Street Hockey Game, Gets Stoned By An 8-Year-Old

PK Subban is a finalist for the Norris Trophy this year. He had a 60 point season, was a +21 on the year and was the only Norris Trophy finalist this year to win a playoff series. Not too bad. And since the Norris goes to “to the defensive player who demonstrates throughout the season the greatest all-round ability in the position,” it made sense that he’s up for the honor. But over the weekend he crashed some random street hockey game and against a previously unknown 8-year-old goaltender, he only went 3-for-6. And not only did he just go 50%, but he went 50% while wearing flops and a fedora which takes his performance down even a few more notches. So we’ll say PK went a conservative 25% on the day, and that’s flat out atrocious. All I’m saying is that if I’m the Montreal Canadiens right now, I’m starting to look at Subban’s contract and pouring myself a double shot of bleach.

And I don’t know if it’s just because it’s Monday and I’m cranky but the guy recording the video is infuriating, and that one laugh will haunt me in my dreams forever.