
The Blue Jackets Just Took Someone So Incredibly Off The Board None Of The Analysts Could Even Pretend To Know Anything About Him, Making For Some Great, Honest Television


So with the 21st pick in the NHL draft, the Blue Jackets just took Yegor Chinakhov. Now, you might be like, who is Yegor Chinakhov? Well good news, not only do you not know, not even the analysts at SportsNet know!




I love that they didn't even pretend to know anything about him. How off the board was he? Nevermind the fact they didn't even have highlights for him....



6th or 7th round?!?!

He must have been whispered about in GM circles so much to the point CBJ felt they had to take him at 21. There's no chance they happened to take him at 21 and everyone else had him in the 100s. I think that would be impossible. Some of these guys get overlooked by draft pundits but the GMs fall in love with them. Happens every year. So good luck to Yegor. Mostly because Yegor is a great name. The name Yegor probably bumped him up a few rounds.