How Much Money Would You Need To Get This Tattoo?
Bill Perkins is a zillionaire businessman who recently started playing uber-high stakes poker. It appears he paid fellow poker player Jeff Gross 550k to get that tattoo’d permanently on him. Jeff is never allowed to have it removed. So my question is, what’s your price? Everybody’s got a price. Some might cost a little. Some might cost a lot.
It’s easy to say that you won’t do it for any amount of money. But all that would do is make you a liar. If someone was holding even 25k in cash right in front of your face, would you be able to turn it down? What about 50k? Certainly not 100k. It’s a pretty decent amount of money just to get a fairly simple tattoo. Sure, it might be considered a little bit gay, but is there anything gay about a down payment on a new beach house? And plus, isn’t being gay and tolerant the new hotness? Chicks love that shit. If anything, he basically got paid half a mil to improve his appearance.