
An Anonymous Source Is Back To Sleeping On Bam Adebayo Which Is Great News For Heat Fans

Alright, I'm starting to think all of these anonymous sources are actually people associated with the Heat in some sort of Pat Riley jedi mind trick to get Bam motivated. It's the only explanation for this shit. You may remember when this happened before the ECF

which led to him completely tearing Daniel Theis a new asshole. What a ridiculous statement, but it worked. Bam went up a level and was one of the best and most impactful players in the series. Well now we're back. This time, a guy who averaged 5.1 assists on the SEASON and 4.5 assists against the Lakers this year all of the sudden won't be able to facilitate? This screams Pat Riley. If it isn't, haven't these people learned to stop sleeping on Bam? What more does he have to do? Now he's going to be shut down by Dwight fucking Howard when it comes to facilitating and running their offense? Christ. 

Not only that, but this point about how Jokic was limited is laugh out loud funny. He still put up 21/7/5 on 53% shooting in the WCF. He had a 28.4 AST% in that series which matched what he had during the entire playoffs (28.6). Pretty sure he was able to pass and facilitate however he wanted

If you want to tell me that Bam's scoring might take a hit going up against a DPOY candidate in Davis? Duh, that's not all that crazy. But to think he'll be neutralized as a passer and a facilitator makes no sense. You don't think Erik Spoelstra is going to put him in positions to succeed? The way this team cuts and moves off ball, it's not going to matter who is guarding Bam. He's going to hit that pass. That's why this quote is suspect for me. 

The Heat score 1.24 points per possession on cuts, average around 10.2 a night which is the 2nd best in the playoffs and shoot 60.4% in those sets. Bam has a 22% AST% in the playoffs so far. I suppose time will tell, but I think we all know how this ends. Bam goes nuts, averages like 8 assists a night for the Heat and we all come back to this quote after the Heat win the Finals and laugh. I've seen this movie before.

So congrats Heat fans, this pretty much guarantees a monster series for Bam.