
FINALLY - After Lying About It For Over A Year, KD Admits That Weird All-Star Game Video Was The Moment Him And Kyrie Decided To Team Up

You may remember this video from the 2019 All-Star Game. It was the moment this appeared: 

Everything was two max slots and then Durant lied about it for a year. He kept saying it was nothing. Kyrie said it was nothing. He actually got pissed people asked him about it (h/t Yahoo)

“It’s a video of me and one of my best friends talking. And then it turns out to be a dissection of a free-agency meeting? Do you get that? Like, do you get that? And then I’m asked questions about that? That’s what disconnects me from all that s***.”

But that just goes to show how weird these two dudes are. Well, more Kyrie than Durant. Durant is just a grade A troll, who I've already said cracks me up with how online he is. Kyrie? That's a complete weirdo. He probably convinced himself he didn't decide to team up with Durant and forgot all about it. 

The fact is that's the moment we saw the shift in the NBA again - assuming both come back healthy and like 90% of who they are. It also goes to show that this shit will happen all the time at various moments. Remember the Heat talked about Bosh/LeBron/Wade during Olympics play. You have this coming up during the All-Star Game. 

At least they finally admitted this was the moment. We all knew it, but it makes that video even more wild. The bigger question is if he knew where the cameras were during this? He couldn't keep a straight face. He loves shit like this, constantly just to freak people out, stay at the forefront of the national conversation and then complain about how much media coverage he’s getting. I just love that he did it to Celtics fans. That does warm my heart a bit even if these two assholes ruined my heart with the Knicks.