
Post-Debate Smut GIFs, We've Earned It!

Whew, whatever side you're on I think we can mostly agree - that was ah-rough! Let's turn off our brains, sit back & relax with a little smut-en-motion.










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Oh God… what am I doing. I'm sorry. This blog/thread is about as good as that debate was tonight. The same interruptions & middle school insults happening over & over like a lame GIF. Plus powerful politicians on stage & I didn't get wet once? Not even for a second? Where's Nixon or Perot when you need them? Each and every one of us deserves better. Truly. I think it wrecked my already spiraling brain. Speaking of… while I'm at it, let me kill your NARBs off totally with how I felt watching that last couple hours of TV + the follow-up coverage:

Went through a whole bag of cheese curls, 3 Entenmann's chocolate donuts (frozen of course), one chicken salad sandwich, several handfuls of salt & vinegar chips and I still feel empty. Only two more debates to go. What a time to be alive-ish! The only plus side is that it was so painful it seemed to almost unite both sides of the spectrum that I follow on social. Almost.

For the real type of blog you came here for please redirect to ClickBait Smits coverage of Yet ANOTHER Aussie IG Model who Wishes You A Goodnight From Down UNDERWEAR. Sorry again & sweet dreams.
