
Ideas For What The Steelers Can Do On Sunday Since Their Game Is Probably Going To Be Cancelled

Welp, the first "oh shit COVID" moment of the NFL season has come only three weeks into the season. 

There's no way in hell they play this game on Sunday with Tennessee being shut down until Saturday, so here's some suggestions for the black & yellow to join us while we're all enjoying a football sunday:

1. Come To The Barstool Sports Book House

Come on down! We'd love to have you. It'd make perfect content for both us and say JuJu's YouTube channel. There's plenty of food to be had all around. Big Cat & Big Ben can face off in an arm wrestling match that can be streamed live but with their left arms of course (don't want Big Ben re-injuring that throwing elbow). Dave can talk shit to Mike Tomlin about how he'll never be Belichick or beat the Pats when it matters. Plus, it's just a short commute east to Philly!

2. Go To Big Ben's Together To Spite Antonio Brown

If they don't feel like making the trip east to our place then stay local and head to Big Ben's Pittsburgh mansion. Live like the rest of us on a normal football Sunday watching Redzone, stuffing our faces, and refusing to move for 7+ hours. Then at one point take a team selfie in Big Ben's basement and tweet it out with JuJu just tagging Brown with a simple "Sup?" you know - because Brown made it such a big deal he had apparently never been to Big Ben's house (even though that's not true). 

3. Learn TikTok Dances With JuJu

Instead of bitching about JuJu's time spent on social media, why not embrace it? It's going to be a perfect fall Sunday so if you finally have a day with no football activities required then let's really put together the choreographed dances for hopefully even more of a reason to get in the endzone. This clout ain't free. 

4. Still Go To Nashville

Hey you were going to be there anyways, why not still go? I was just there and had a GREAT time. 

"Blitzburgh Takes Broadway" as the caption I can see it now. 

5. Unfortunately Have A Very, Very Early Bye Week

Now this reeeeeally really sucks, and it's definitely what's really going to happen. Originally it was supposed to be placed right in the middle of the season right after the Ravens and right before traveling to Dallas. Perfect. I mean seriously couldn't be better. Now we kill whatever momentum 3-0 can bring and more importantly don't have anyone too banged up that could use a week off. Sigh. Way to go, Titans.