
Is Jack Eichel On His Way Out Of Buffalo? Bob McKenzie Investigates

No. No he is not. But fortunately we have Uncle Bob around to keep us informed. It's what makes Bobby Margs the best in the business. 

On another note, quite the scumbag move from the Rangers here. These dickheads already lucked out and landed the 1st overall pick in the draft next week. Now they want to try to take advantage of a complete managerial overhaul in Buffalo and pry Jack Eichel out of WNY and into the city? What kind of elitism bullshit is that? Makes me sick to think that a team could operate in that manner. And I'd imagine it makes the Hockey Gods sick as well. So sick, in fact, that I wouldn't even put it past them to turn Alexis Lafreniere into the next Alexandre Daigle. 

But seriously. Can we please get Jack Eichel some help in Buffalo? Eric Staal is a decent start but this man deserves more. At the very least, bring in Pat Maroon over the offseason since we all know that means an automatic Cup Final appearance. Do the thing, Kevyn. 

