
Things I Missed When I Almost Died From The Flu

So yeah. I almost died from the flu, nbd but kbd. Anyway, I basically couldn’t eat, drink, sleep, stay awake, or read (not too different than when I’m feeling 100% healthy) for the past 3 days. And I missed a lot. Lot of Chicago sports. Lot of sports in general. So here’s what we missed. Some of these things I even saw live but because I couldn’t type without puking I wasn’t able to post.


Mike Smith continues to be a Bitch

Oh you mean the guy who pretended to die in the playoffs last year only to keep playing a second later is a whiny little bitch? No way. I fucking hate Mike Smith. And while we’re here, as much as I still hate the Canucks the most, without Luongo starting my hate for the Coyotes is catching up, and that’s almost all because of Mike Smith, until of course Raffi Torres comes back, then its all because of him.


Dick Butkus rocked a SICK hat at Saturday’s game

Not only that, but the guy next to him is a 1 of a kind. Would love to have a scotch and a steak with him. You can’t get more Chicago than that guy. Absolutely love it, and you know he has matching pinky rings that just missed the camera’s lense.

Also, while we’re on the hawks. Hossa? Right? Think he was itching to get back? I know its a small sample size but one of the big questions this year was whether or not Hossa’s injury/concussion would linger ala Sidney Crosby. Through 2 games I think we can say it won’t.


The Bulls win a tough one, lose a tough one, then beat the Lakers

I’m not even going to try and figure out this Bulls Season. Deng goes down with an injury but we still beat the Celtics in Boston. Struggling Grizzlies come to town and Thibs benches Noah for the last TWENTY THREE minutes of the game, why? Because Thibs is a maniac. Then shorthanded without Deng on Monday night they easily beat the Lakers. Boozer has been crazy hot. Bellinelli has been awesome and Nate Robinson has been the most maddening player on the face of the earth (nothing new there). All I know is they’re only 3 games back, and D-Rose is allegedly a week away from full contact. Bizarre season nonetheless.



Last but certainly not least. My dad and I are going to the Super Bowl. WHOA

If I don’t have this painting framed in my house by the time the Super Bowl kicks off something is wrong with this world.


So there it is. Missed a lot the last 3 days. I guess that’s what happens when you die.  And I would promise to never get sick again but if I said that, I would probably get sick again within a week.


thanks to micah and joe for the last two pics