
The Woman Who Adopted Jimmy Butler When He Was A Homeless Teenager Banned LeBron's Shoes In Her House Because It 'Disrespects Jimmy'

You know what? This makes all the sense in the world. Yes, Jimmy Butler has one of the more ridiculous stories out there from being a homeless teenager to junior college for a year, to Marquette and then turning into an All-Star. But there's always 'peak Jimmy Butler' stories. Things like the noise complaint for dribbling his ball in the hotel room too late, the coffee shop, bullying teammates, etc. But this? This simply checks out. His adopted mother flat out banning LeBron's shoes in 2015 because it's disrespectful to Jimmy is just the most on brand thing I can think of. 

I need this to be a story too. I want Jimmy Butler to ban any sort of LeBron shoe or anything even associated with LeBron for the Heat. Make them wear new jerseys since LeBron wore a Heat jersey once. Ban Cowboys, Indians, Browns, Yankees hats since he apparently cheers for all those teams too. Just go full on disrespectful Jimmy. 

I want to see someone show up to Lambert's house wearing something LeBron related. I assume she just slams the door on them. Please win, Heat.