
I Love This College Kid Starting His Class Presentation With An Ad Read For JP Graziano

I honestly can't even begin to tell you how much I love a college kid holding up a jar of the good stuff to kick off a class presentation. If you know Barstool Chicago then you know we go together with JP Graziano like lamb and tuna fish. It's on a sacred list of Chicago landmarks that I'd defend with my dying breath. Not a single person in Chicago would argue otherwise. The fact we have now breached the education space is a tremendous feeling. We're big on giving back to the community. That said, I'd be remiss to point out that Richie here isn't just a high functioning college student. He's also a high functioning avid listener of Dog Walk and compiles our weekly stats. It's impossible not to thoroughly respect this kind of hustle.


I know a lot of you think I'm going to talk about my dominance, or that I've been edged out by a collective 3% in the last two weeks, or that sample platter should have counted. But instead I'd rather just say that Richie is a good man with a great name, and people always forget that he's a good earner.