
White Sox vs. Tribe "Please God Just Win A Baseball Game" Live Blog Is LIVE!!!!

On the heels of getting walked off for the 2nd time in 2 games, the White Sox and Ricky Renteria throw out this lineup. MMMMMMkkkkkayyyy! Not exactly how I'd roll when you're playing for seeding like the Sox are, but whatever I guess. I don't mind Robert getting an off day but to put Mazara and EE back in just boggles my mind. That, and the Yolmer Sanchez move will never not infuriate me. Mendick is younger, has show the ability to drive the ball out of the park, and is every bit as good defensively as Sanchez is. It makes absolutely no sense to me. The fucking GIANTS didn't want him. 

Whatever though. Two big moves happened today with Bummer and Rodon being added to the active roster and Cishek/Detwiler getting DFA'd. Adding those two arms plus Crochet to the pen means one thing: this pen is officially LETHAL. 

- Cordero
- Fry
- Rodon
- Crochet
- Bummer
- Marshall
- Heuer
- Foster
- Colome
- Cease (probably) 

that is a pen a team can win a World Series with, no question about it. Perfect blend of righty/lefty and crafty/power arms. Fucking love it. That'll help shorten games for the starters too. Now it's just all about Renteria tactfully using them, which I'm not going to lie, absolutely terrifies me.

Win today and the World Series is back on. Give it me those Yankees rat FUCKS.

Until then, the live blog is LIVE!!! Keuchel vs. Plesac, let's roll