
Angel Hernandez Sucks Ass

I wanted to throw this up real quick as a big ol' fashioned FUCK YOU to Angel Hernandez. Now, Hernandez could be a good dude for all I know. He could be some philanthropist that saves orphans and whales and donates to Sarah McLaughlin's foster pet charities and all that shit. I wouldn't be shocked if that's the case at all. But on the flip side, I have no idea. Maybe he's some massive dickhead that ruins any good time he can because of how insufferable he is. 

Not sure and don't care. All I know about him is that he SUCKS at umpiring. He sucks so bad at umpiring that I have no other choice but to fucking hate him, in spite of potentially being a man of good character and morals. I'll make this clear though - I am not blaming last night's loss on him. The White Sox completely blew that game and it was 99% on them. Hernandez didn't help, but that loss was on all 28 or 26 or 35 or however many men are in the dugout and on the staff. 

But Hernandez was so bad behind the plate last night I have no choice but to yell at him via an internet blog. Even the NY Post got in on the "Angel Hernandez sucks" bandwagon last night:

And don't forget, this goes back decades. Let's rewind it back to 2001 when Mongo got tossed from the booth for calling him out during the 7th inning stretch:

Just the worst strike zone I've ever seen. Benneti and Stone even had to stop biting their tongue eventually and basically said "this guy sucks" every other pitch.

Here are some examples: 

Now mind you, this was only through the 6th inning or so. 

It was like this the entire game (for both teams) and I'm of the opinion that the kid who put this video together missed a few as well. There were... I don't know.... 20 EGREGIOUSLY bad calls behind the plate. 

Giphy Images.


He was so bad Anderson got tossed from the dugout (which was dumb of him, let your manager do the barking) and Renteria got tossed for the 2nd day in a row. This is also on the heels of pulling this move:

The same crew also tossed Josh Donaldson last week. Donaldson was so pissed off at the strike zone that he kicked dirt on the plate AFTER a home run. 

Never seen that before, but goes to show how frustrated players are with Hernandez and his crew. 

How he still is allowed to umpire boggles my mind. I mean it doesn't actually because he's protected by the umpire union, but holy hell is he bad at his job. I'm sure he knows the rule book inside and out, so someone in power should force him to either reassign to a different position or just get rid of him altogether. I know that'll never happen, but wishful thinking.


I'm pissed off this morning. Get a fucking W tonight. Everyone was tense last night and we woke up tense this morning, and for good reason. Team is throwing up duds at the worst possible time. All can be righted with a win tonight though. Worst part is is that we'll see him behind the plate in the Cubs series to wrap up the year. 

Fuck this guy. Kick him off the tour Doug!