
Start Your Day Off Perfectly By Listening To Mr. Perfect's Entrance Song (Bonus: Classic Mr. Perfect Training Montages)

If this doesn't inspire you to crush you Zoom meetings today, nothing will

I was honored enough to be invited onto The Dogwalk this week for a Wrestler's Entrance Music draft featuring Eddie, Carl, Robbie, and Brandon F. Walker. As any wrestling fan knows, there are pretty much unlimited classic songs to choose from, which made this a crazy deep draft on par with the 1996 NBA Draft. I went in hoping to draft Mr. Perfect's song sometime in the mid-rounds since it instantly makes you feel like the greatest human on the planet. Which is why I felt like I was stealing when I got it with the second-to-last pick of the entire draft.

The always excitable B F Dubya was slightly fired up about missing out on the pick by one spot.

Whenever you talk about Mr. Perfect, you have to include his awesomely over-the-top vignettes, along with his gum spit and slap that was easily a Top 5 entrance staple for me.

Can't forget the towel toss entrance with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, who may have been the perfect coach/pupil combination until Brady and Belichick found each other in Foxboro.

So listen to The Dogwalk below and get ready to vote on the graphic later today. I would personally vote for the guy who chose the absolutely perfect entrance song, but that's just me.


For any rasslin' fans craving more rasslin' content, Large had me on as a guest on the Twisted History of Wrestling a couple of weeks ago and I learned a lot about the excessively twisted history of sports entertainment, including how Mr. Perfect once saved Wade Boggs from bleeding out during a hunting trip.