
The Crown's Way Racing Guys Are PSYCHOS And I Love Them

WSD, Eddie, and I were bored during quarantine and the only game in town was horse racing. I don't know dick about horse racing, but we wanted to get involved and we got connected with the guys from Crown's Way Racing and bought in. It has been my favorite thing about quarantine. It just felt nice to care about something again. Yesterday was our first chance to see our horses in person and probably our best horse who we named after Jay Cutler was running his first ever race. Our managing partners who seemed like good, normal, classic southside Chicago guys since we first met with them 4 months or so ago turned into complete and utter psychopaths down the stretch when Jay was pulling away from the pack. They reminded me of this guy

Mixed with Kramer

And that is EXACTLY what I want out of a partner. Not some stiff like Bob Baffert who tries to keep up appearances with suits and hair so white that it'll blind you if you look directly at it. No, it's a big race and our guys hit that paper whip and willed our beautiful boy Jay to a victory. What a way to cap off the summer. Can't fucking wait until next time. The only slightly negative aspect was that covid robbed us of a true winner's circle picture

There will be plenty more opportunities though with Smokin Jay. Maybe at the Kentucky Derby next year, who knows.

PS: if you want to get involved in this you can email me.