
Guess That State: Man Arrested For Driving A Lawn Mower On The Street At 3am While Drunk And High

[Source] - Waters, a 54-year-old Frankfort resident, was found by police riding a green Craftsman lawn mower on Winding Way Drive in Frankfort, according to Waters’ arrest citation. The officer who stopped him, Christopher Gaines of the Frankfort Police Department, wrote in his citation that Waters admitted to having three alcoholic drinks.

Waters had slurred speech and appeared to be drunk, Gaines wrote. Waters failed a field sobriety test after “showing six out of six indicators,” Gaines wrote. Waters said he had a medical condition that kept him from keeping his balance, Gaines wrote.

It's everyone's favorite game. Guess that state and shockingly this one doesn't come from Florida. Come on down Central Kentucky! I just can't stop laughing at everything about this. First you have the simple fact of a man riding a lawnmower at 3am in order to get the DUI. Guarantee he thought he was being safe. Reminds me of the Chappelle bit: 

Not only that, the man only got a DUI because of a noise complaint! Feel like you're not allowed to get a noise complaint driving a lawn mower. Can I start calling in noice complaints on trucks coming down my street? I don't think so. Now I do know the rules over there in Kentucky since in college we tried organizing a charity event that was a bar crawl involving those motorized cars kids have and Lexington cops said that we couldn't because you can get a DUI on that. So it all checks out here. 

What checks out even more is our guy Willie Waters flat out lying. Starts off by saying he had just three drinks. That's the go-to lie for hammered people. You ever go out and have a bit too much and your significant other asks how much you had? The correct answers are 'a few', 'only a couple' or 'three'. Just a good, safe number where people don't think anything of it. But then by the end it was this: 

Waters later admitted to smoking marijuana and drinking “a half-pint of vodka,” according to the arrest citation. 

Now maybe he just made three drinks with the half pint? I'm not going to call Willie Waters a liar. A DUI arrest, sure, but a liar no sir. Never let me down Central Kentucky. Never let me down.