
Who Drafted The Best Roster of Movies That Start With "B"?


As always, click the movie titles to see our grades of the movies as well as where to stream them


Jeff D Lowe (Back to the Future, The Big Short, Bad Santa, The Bourne Identity, Best in Show): Jeff was smart to take the presumptive #1 overall, and I love the Big Short pick after that. If you listen to the pod you know Bad Santa is one of his favorite movies, so it was a bit of a vanity pick but a good one nonetheless. Rounding out with one of the better action movies in the past few decades and a fantastic comedy makes his team more complete. 

Grade: B+

Trillballins (Bee Movie, Boogie Nights, The Breakfast Club, Batman Begins, The Big Sick): Going for the meme quality with his first pick was a risk. I don't think it paid off, especially since it hurt the value of the rest of his picks. 

Grade: B-

Audience Vote (Beauty and the Beast, Black Panther, The Big Lebowski, Birdman, BlackKklansman): I'll be honest, I don't really like much about their team. The Big Lebowski in round three is a steal, but both Beauty and the Beast and Black Panther were taken a little too high for my liking. 

Grade: C

Kenjac (Blade Runner 2049, Blazing Saddles, Borat, Braveheart, Burning): Objectively speaking, I love my team. People are going to bitch about taking BR2049 instead of the original, but the bottom line is that it's simply a better movie. Not nearly as impactful as the original, which changed the landscape of Sci-Fi, but still. I nabbed one of the best comedies of all time after that, and one of the most culturally impactful ones after that. Rounding out with all-timer in Braveheart and one of the great international movies/psych thrillers in 'Burning' is just a cherry on top. 

Grade: A-

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