
Advanced Analytics Say That Mitch Trubisky Had The Greatest 4th Quarter Of All-Time

Of all-time or in the last 5 years when talking about degree of difficulty for completions on TDs. Tomato-tomahto. Either way he was COOKING like we've never seen.

Don't think, just throw, and when it's the 4th quarter Mitch just did nothing but throw fucking LAZERS. I mean just look at these stats in the 4th quarter

8/10 passing

3 TDs at the highest degree of difficulty per science

0 interceptions

Passer Rating: 143.3

And a big fucking win. 

Seeing him walk around the sideline after the go-ahead touchdown honestly brought genuine joy to my heart. You could tell he was happy with himself and he deserves to be. It's be a rough start to his career to say the least and comparison, as they say, is the thief of joy. All he has heard about for years is Watson this and Mahomes that. Well in the 4th quarter Mitch looked like a guy who could be a starting QB in the NFL that you're happy to have. His body language on the sideline was the polar opposite of this moment


And that tweet is ultimately why I am "In On Mitch". He does things right. I want him to be successful for me, obviously, because I am selfish and want the Bears to win. BUT...I also genuinely want it for him. How could you not? Hopefully Sunday was the first step towards more confidence, more production, and more happy days ahead. We broke the entire game down on the podcast. You can listen to that here

 Better things ahead. Get in on Mitch