
Memphis Players Reportedly Went On Party Bus After Game On Saturday, Now There Is A Massive COVID Outbreak Within Program

Fellas, fellas, felllllassssss.

What are we doing here?!?

I get it, I want to go on a party bus too right now, but I haven't. Have I been invited on one? No, but that's not what this blog is about....this blog is about going on a party bus in Memphis, when you should've been......


Wait for it


Walking in Memphis.

SOURCE-The source requested anonymity because no official announcement has been made.

The Tigers have at least 20 people within the program who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are currently in a 10-day isolation period, according to the source.

The source also said that Memphis has "at least another 20" people in quarantine due to contract tracing. Most of the players who either tested positive for COVID-19 or are in quarantine are on the defensive side of the ball, the source said.

The dramatic uptick in positive tests, according to the source, has been attributed to a party bus that members of the team were on after last Saturday's season-opening win against Arkansas State.

That's close to a 40% positivity rate within the program.....NOT GOOD.

Memphis is slated to have a game a week from today against Houston. Will that be happening? I'd be shocked if it did. This report could be completely off, but until then, it's safe to assume Memphis and Houston will not be playing on the 18th.