
Game 7 Has Arrived. Let's Fucking Do This

You always hear people say there is nothing like a Game 7 and for the most part they are right. It's one of the most excruciating experiences you can go through as a fan. Just look at the Game 7s we've already had in these playoffs. I have to say I enjoyed those way more considering they didn't involve my favorite team. I could just sit back and enjoy the game. Well that is not the case today. Now we all have to go through this experience with the Celtics season and title hopes on the line. There's no point in rehashing previous games or talking about how frustrated you might be that the Celts are even in this position. What's done is done' This is their reality. Now it's our turn to have knots in our stomachs, to be restless all damn day and then have things only go up a few levels once the game actually starts.

If you are fortunate enough to see your team win a Game 7, there are few better feelings in the world. Even if this is just the second round you couldn't convince me this wasn't Game 7 of the NBA Finals. That is how my brain is wired. As far as I'm concerned this is the most important game the Celtics have ever played. The fact is if they lose this game, the Celts will have lost 4 of 5 to lose the series after taking a 2-0 lead. That's a choke. A big time choke. 

What makes Game 7s so nerve wracking is the fact that all it takes is one random person to get hot. A bench player comes in and makes like 3 threes and that can be the difference. Every possession is so goddamn important. Every mistake magnified. The Celts have had every opportunity under the sun to close this game out and they haven't been able to deliver the knockout blow. Today is the day they need to do just that. All this bullshit about how they are the better team and more talented blah blah blah, throw that shit out. This is about competing for 48 minutes against a team that has proven to match you every step of the way. This is a Raptors team that is filled with guys who are not afraid of the moment and are going to make big shots. Can the Celts respond? That's the million dollar question. 

To pull this out, its pretty simple what has to happen

- Defend. Defend. Defend. Defend. This will always be the key to the Celtics success. When they show up on the defensive end and play with great energy, they've blown this Raptors team out. Marcus Smart's task of shutting down Kylw Lowry is the most important matchup of the game. Finding ways to adjust when you know the Raptors will go to Lowry vs Kemba late is going to be key. You stop Lowry, you can beat this team.

- Kemba has to show up. I don't know how else to say it, but another 5 point performance is not going to cut it. He redeemed himself earlier this series after a stinker, and they need him to do it again. He needs to get to the line (0FTA in Game 6), and his jumper needs to show up in a big way. This is why he's here, so let's see it.

- The Jays need to be efficient. It's very important that the Celts get off to a good start and to do that they are going to need their two Jays to carry the load. I'm looking specifically at Jayson Tatum, who has sneaky started slow in a lot of these games. We need him to be efficient and not try and settle for bail out fouls. Scott Foster isn't going to give them to you. 

- Shot selection is extremely important. In a Game 7, poor shot selection may as well be a turnover. Rushed threes, threes taken by guys that should not be taking them, all that stuff can't happen. We've seen this team fall into bad habits in this area, and if they do it again tonight their season will be over. 

- Take care of the basketball. The Celts have had turnover issues all series, and the one thing you cannot do is give Toronto easy transition buckets. Make them beat you in the halfcourt, something they struggle win. Live ball turnovers leading to easy FVV layups in transition is only going to increase the chances that he heats up from three. They lost Game 6 because they were sloppy with the basketball


- Take deep breaths. Chances are things will not go their way at some point during this Game 7. They need to take a breath and not let the "woe is me" mentality creep in. Keep your mental composure even when calls go against you, and you should be fine.

In the end, I'm in a weird place where I'm confident but also scared shitless. It's a strange mindset to be in, but that's Game 7. That's why you should avoid these things at all costs if you can. The fact that it's a 9pm tip doesn't help either because now I have all these hours alone with my own thoughts. 

This is it. Season on the line. There's only one more thing to say......