
Delightful Video Of A Girl Ruining Her Dad's Boat Then Immediately Calling For His Help

That's a wrap on summer! And Teyana's relationship with her dad. I don't know why but I found this video delightful. It was a beautiful disaster. A slow motion catastrophe. Poor Teyana was so relaxed, soaking in the final moments of summer until all of a sudden....






Her piece of shit friend behind the wheel ruined everything. Probably wasn't even supposed to be driving the boat in he first place. You could tell how serious it was based on the fact that she started screaming her apology before they even got to the dock. "Dad! DAD! I'M SO SORRY DAD!!!" I can only imagine what that conversation is going to be like. Better hold on to that summer job a little bit longer, babe! I heard boat windows are expensive. 

PS: Never forget.