
We're Back! NYC To Officially (kind of) Allow Indoor Dining Starting September 30th

Source -  New York City restaurants can reopen for indoor dining at 25 percent capacity with restrictions by Sept. 30, Gov. Cuomo announced Wednesday.

“I understand the economic benefit and I understand the economic pressure they’ve been under,” Cuomo said at a midtown press briefing.

The city’s restaurant industry, which employs 300,000 people at 25,000 establishments, has not been allowed to host customers indoors since the coronavirus pandemic hit the five boroughs in March. Cuomo has been hesitant to fully restaurant the industry because of enforcement issues and concerns about COVID-19 outbreaks.

About. Fucking. Time. Here are the rules...

I'll take it. Anything to avoid eating in the bus lane like a goddamn animal. How there haven't been more accidents with that is beyond me. I saw a couple eating in the middle of 7th ave yesterday and cars were literally speeding by less than a foot away from their table. It was insane. 

Here's some more info from Cuomo's press conference:

A state task force will ensure compliance at 10,000 restaurants along with 400 city code enforcement inspectors. Diners will also be able to report concerns anonymously through a hotline.

“I believe in New Yorkers. Trust is reciprocal. They trusted me, I trust them,” Cuomo said.

“If there is a spike in infection rate, we can always hit the emergency pause button,” he added.

The governor set a Nov. 1 deadline to determine if indoor dining can increase to 50 percent of a restaurant’s capacity.

Fingers crossed we hit whatever deadline they set to get us to 50% by November. I think we will. We have no other choice. As long as they don't keep pushing the goal post I think we're in good shape. New York is officially (25%) back baby! And not a moment too soon.